CL Dresser Makeover

I found this gem for $40.00 on Craigslist. It was in great shape, minimal damage that could not be fixed. After a major cleaning and heavy sanding on the top (it was laminate) I got to painting.

This was inspired by my post here. I used Killz primer, Rustoleum Satin Black and Rustoleum Bauhaus Gold.



One coat of paint
Lined drawers (I hate contact paper :/)


With the headboard

Instructions on how I made the headboard are here.

Thanks to Remodelholic for the feature!


  1. Hello,

    These items are remarkable, and so BEAUTIFUL!

    If you do decide to make & sell headboards, please, please – keep my email for contact purposes. I would love to be your first customer…. I work with one of your friends, and she is just as talented. Have a great day! You have inspired me, truly!

    • Thanks Jacqueline. I am actually making some really soon. I will email you about color and sizing – u can be my first customer πŸ™‚

    • Thanks! I did some research and alot of people recommended sanding some then using the oil primer (which i did)…worked pretty well.

  2. Visiting from the DIY Showoff…this dresser looks great! I am working on painting a Craigslist dresser a similar color yellow (though I’m going all yellow) for my nursery-in-progress. I’m really liking your yellow/black contrast!

  3. We love this party link and I wanted to let you know that we are planning on featuring it on our blog. We hope that you get a bunch of new visitors. If there is any chance that you could post about being featured on Remodelaholic with a link back to your post on our site, we would really appreciate it.

  4. Wow this is amazing! I like the idea of two-tone furniture, it definitely makes it look more modern/retro. Cool!

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